Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
My "baby girl" is 15!!!
Happy Birthday, Nellie!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Awesome Weekend!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Another Son
Last night -- no, wait, this morning at 2:00 -- Calvin & I picked up Brendan Greek at the airport. His plane was supposed to come in from Toronto at 11:00 last night, but was repeatedly delayed and finally touched down at 1:53 a.m. Calvin happily missed school so he could sleep in, then hang out with Brendan all day.
Brendan and his brother James are like other sons to us. Our families have been close friends since they were little boys, and they've spent countless hours with us. Both of them (Brendan a little more) have lived with us for short periods of time, especially during the summers a few years ago. Brendan is now 22 and just finished his third tour as a lighting tech with Seeds dinner theatre, travelling throughout the U.S. and Canada raising money for missions. He's home for the summer and still deciding what to do with his future (click on the "Brendan" link in my list of fellow bloggers). He's here with us for a couple of days, then we're all travelling to his parents home in Salmon Arm on Friday. We're coming back Monday, and we're trying to convince Brendan to come back with us and live here for a while!
As you can see in the photo above, the boys have been enjoying one of their favourite things to do together! Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, Calvin couldn't find the WD40 to make the fire really interesting!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mother's Day
Most of Andy's siblings, including us, went in together on presents for Andy's Mom for Mother's Day and her birthday, which is today. We had the privilege of delivering the presents since we now live about an hour and half from his parents and his brother Lorne (he's in the background of the photos). Because we had our own family plans on Mother's Day, we went for a visit on Saturday.Here's Mom with her Larry King Live DVD, which I designated as her Mother's Day present.
We all bought her the two newest Gaither DVDs for her birthday gift.
I bought little candles in the shape of letters to spell "MOM". I was going to buy cupcakes, but I forgot. When we got there, Dad brought out a pack of cupcakes he's just picked up at the store, complete with a little "Happy Mother's Day" plastic decoration, so it worked out very well!
My own Mother's Day on Sunday was very relaxing and great too. My family gave me a lovely gold cross necklace before church. Church was really nice -- several mom's gave testimonies, and it was nice to get to know a few more people that way. Each week we feel more like part of the church. After church we went to our favourite brunch buffet at the Nisku Inn. At home I read and took a nap while my family did yard work. Then Andy & I drove into Leduc so I could get a latte and buy stuff at Canadian Tire. We ordered pizza in the evening while I watched the 3 hour finale of Survivor. A great day!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Da Sistahs Wonderful, Wild, Wacky Weekend!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
OK, do any of you other bloggers have problems moving your photos around on your blog? I was going to put another photo on here, but I can't place it where I want it. I keep trying and trying to move it once it's posted, but it will not move. BTW, I hate the way the photos always paste at the top of the blog instead of where I leave my cursor. Any suggestions?
Tomorrow we're off to Salmon Arm for a ladies' retreat with "Da Sistahs". That would be my sisters-in-laws (Andy's 2 sisters & his brother's wife) from the coast and Joanne Greek, our "adopted" sister who lives in Salmon Arm. These are some of my closest friends, prayer pals, mentors, etc. We've planned our own little retreat at the hotel that Jo works at in Salmon Arm, complete with gifts and devotional times, as well as hot tubbing, shopping, and free movies at the theatre that Shawn Greek manages! Andy & Calvin are going along to hang out with the male Greeks. We planned this before I moved, and I can hardly wait! Check back next week for the blog about it!