Life was so busy happening, I didn't have time to blog about it!
February 27th was Calvin's 14th birthday, and my 11th (yes, 11th - think about do the math) was February 29th. Our good friends the Greeks were here for our birthdays. We spread out our celebrations over a few days by going out for dinner at Red Lobster and going to the mall (girls went shopping, guys went to a movie), but on the days of our birthdays we stayed home, ate cake, opened presents, and playted Canasta. Joanne & I also went out for lunch with two ladies from my church who also had birthdays the same week.
One of the coolest things for me was getting a $30 gift card to Winners from the Greeks. Okay, getting the gift card wasn't really any cooler than the other presents I got...what was cool was the sale they had at Winners when we went shopping there! For $32.55 I got a pair of jeans, a pair of casual pants, a pair of dress pants, a blouse, and two sweaters! The ranged in price for $2.00 (sweater) to $10.00 (jeans). Not bad, eh?!
While the Greeks were here we went to the car show in Edmonton, but I didn't take any pictures. The pictures would have all been the same anyway - Janelle sitting in the driver's seat of every convertible in the building. I remember when we used to go to car shows and Janelle would hop in the backseat and check out the cup holders. Times have changed....

One more photo just for fun - here are James, Calvin & Brendan roasting hot dogs in our fireplace.