Monday, November 12, 2007

We went away for our anniversary...

and we didn't take any pictures!

But we thought we'd let you know we had a lovely dinner at Tony Roma's a lovely night at a hotel in Edmonton with a jacuzzi in our room, followed by brunch this morning.

It's lovely to be at that stage where the kids can stage by themselves and get themselves off to school alone too (yes, in non-union Alberta, today is not a holiday).


The Lang 6 said...

I am pretty sure we wouldn't want to see pictures from your anniversay, especially the hotel part ;-)HAPPY #19 GUYS!!!

The Smalls said...

There was this great jacuzzi tub in our room....

Keri's Collage... said...

Happy Anniversary!
Food pictures is where we would have to draw the line ;)

Kori's House said...

oh man... I am only the third comment and things are getting out of hand...