Thursday, August 21, 2008

Follow Up to My Blog on Cultural Heritage

Not last blog but the blog before, I wrote about my lack of a cultural heritage - but my wealth of a spiritual heritage! I submitted the article to the Edmonton Journal, and I just received word that they are going to publish it! It will be in the religion section, which comes out on Saturdays, and I'm not sure if it's this week or not. When they publish it, I'll post a link to the online version, if possible.
Just thought I'd let you know!


Eldon Kelley said...

Now I can say that I know someone famous. Cool. I can't believe that only 2 people commented on that blog. It should be thousands. Oh well.

The Lang 6 said...

Has it been psoted yet? I'd love to see it!

Janice said...

While I did not comment on your fine essay about your spiritual heritage being your cultural heritage, I was impressed. So much so, that over a year later, when I came across this verse in my daily Bible reading, I instantly thought of you.

"... you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name." Psalm 61:5.


Take care, friend.

