Monday, January 5, 2009


Wow, I really have no excuse for not blogging for so long - just laziness! I could catch you up on various bloggable events that happened since last summer, but I'll just start with the recent (Christmas) and continue from there.

We travelled to SNOWY B.C. for Christmas! We visited Victoria (our favourite city) for a couple of days before Christmas, then travelled to Ucluelet for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. We have a favourite little 3-bedroom house we like to rent there. I knew there wouldn't be any decorations there, so I brought along a few. That's a fake fireplace tacked on the wall, and check out our cute little tree, which I bought in Victoria. It has one little decoration on it, also purchased in Victoria. We hung our stockings on the coat rack with care, knowing that Saint Nicholas would soon be there. We enjoyed lovely pastries from a favourtie Dutch bakery in Victoria, and I even cooked a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. We played games, walked on the beach and on the cliffs above the beach, and enjoyed family time together. I feel kind of ... snobby, saying, "Yeah, we just hung out on the beach Christmas Day." Never mind that there was snow on the beach....

We visited with Andy's family on Boxing Day & the 27th, and with my family on the 28th & 29th. The kids both stayed in Abbotsford with their friends for New Year's, while Andy & I travelled to Salmon Arm to welcome 2009 with Shawn & Joanne. In between all of that, I got to spend a little time with my favourite 4-year-old in Abbotsford and her family. Thanks for taking us in, Langs & Depners!
One of my New Year's resolutions is to do a better job of blogging, so here's to getting a good start to 2009!

1 comment:

Kori's House said...

Welcome back :)

Looks like you took care of all the details for a Christmas on the road! Great memories for you all!