Saturday, May 31, 2008

Janelle's 16th Birthday, Parts 2 & 3

As I promised (warned?) you, Janelle's birthday was an ongoing party that wrapped up today. Well, wrapped up except for the inevitable shopping trip that will occur soon so she can spend all the gift cards/cash she acquired from her very generous friends.
Wednesday, May 28, was her "real" birthday. I brought her lunch, cupcakes and a helium balloon to her at school at lunchtime. She was happy & embarrassed all at the same time, but she said that having to walk through the halls carrying the balloon got her more birthday greetings than she's ever had at once in her whole life.
After school we sat her on the couch and gave her our gift - a laptop computer.
She was absolutely shocked and thrilled! She's been saving for one for a long time but was only halfway there, so we decided to reward her for her diligence. We figured a 16th birthday deserved a bigger than usual gift. I made a special dinner for her that evening and we had cake.

Today she invited her school friends over to hang out, watch a movie and eat food (much of which her friends brought!). Here's Nadine, Sharaya, Julianne, Ellen & Janelle. Two other girls weren't able to make it.
I am, of course, so very thankful for Janelle, and also for the many great friends God has blessed her with here in Beaumont.


Colleen said...

I'm still struggling to accept that you're 16! Wow! You get me as your bday present in Aug. I love you and I'll see you then!

Kori's House said...

Great family, great friends & great gift!!

Happy Birthday Janelle!