Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What I Did On My Summer Vacation (A Composition in Six Parts)

Part 2: Abbotsford

We spent the next few days in Abbotsford, enjoying the Lang-Depner "hotel", which included an entire 3 bedroom house to ourselves, and use of a swimming pool! Thank you, Judi, Dan & Jenn!
Janelle took the camera to a sleepover with 4 of her school friends from Mouat Secondary. These are just a couple of the great photos she took.
In the meantime, the Langs graciously opened their home & pool to about a dozen of Calvin's friends. They spent all day playing in the pool and in the Lang's big backyard. It was a very special day for Calvin. I got to visit with Daryl Cote, the mom of Calvin's friend Logan. She even bought Starbucks frappaccinos for Jenn Lang & I! Now THAT'S a good friend! Thanks, Daryl!
Because Janelle had the camera, Daryl & Jenn took photos at Calvin's party for me. I'll post some when I get them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

janelle took some great pictures, I like the top one of just her
