Friday, June 15, 2007

Dessert Night

Once again, I forgot to take pictures. What a boring blog!
Tonight we had people from church over to our house for the first time. A few weeks ago, in a moment of cheerful euphoria, I signed up to host an unknown number of people for a "guess who's coming to dessert" night. This week I panicked and wondered what on earth I had been thinking!
I LOVE hosting parties or casual get-togethers at my house. I miss having a houseful of people every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night like in the good 'ole days in Abby. But that was when I had a nice big house, and the people coming over were people I knew, people I knew who wouldn't judge how fancy or clean my house was. I didn't know these people or what they might think of our funny little house.
I worried for nothing, of course. The people were warm and friendly and the conversation flowed. My plan was that as long as the house was clean, all I had to do was put on the coffee and smile, and everyone would feel at home. It worked. Our house isn't new or big or fancy, but people feel welcome.
We had two couples here tonight: Lyle & Denise Kuny, one of the first couples we connected with here, and Gordon & Marilyn Bohn, who used to live in Abbotsford. Tonight was just one more step in making Beaumont feel more like "home".

And now in other news: I'm coming to the APA Ladies' Retreat June 22-24. I'm so excited!


Anonymous said...

yay for new friends!! yay for coming back to Abby!


Anonymous said...

You guys have always been warm and gracious hosts. No need to start worrying now.

Kori's House said...

If anyone can make people feel comfortable and 'at home' it would be you. I still remember the first time we had gotten together with you guys at the Sharp's place. Not sure if we were married yet or not, but I remember being nervous getting together with people we didn't know and it turned out to be a great evening!