Monday, June 11, 2007


Andy & I just arrived home from Victoria a few hours ago. We absolutely LOVE Victoria! It's been our fav weekend getaway for many years. When we retire (or even semi-retire) that's where we want to live.

We forgot the camera. I thought of it as we were going through security leaving Edmonton. Oh well! We took one cell phone photo, and that's it up there at the top of the blog! That's me with a big bear outside a touristy gift shop on Government Street. Oh yeah, I'm holding a Roger's Chocolates bag. No trip to Victoria is complete without a stop at Roger's Chocolates. Or three stops, like we did.

We shopped lots but bought little, drank lattes twice a day at a different coffee shop each time, spent hours at the Royal B.C. Museum in the Titanic display (that's TITANIC, Dan Lang, seven letters!), ate dinner at Chandlers (THE best seafood restaurant in Victoria), lunch at our favourite breakfast/brunch restaurant, Jonathan's at the Royal Scot Hotel, and dinner the next night at Romano's Macaroni Grill.

The whole weekend was just so relaxing and refreshing. Good thing, too, cuz we left our kids home alone, and we came home to a huge mess!


The Lang 6 said...

We hope to get to see the Titanic display this summer. Sounds like you had a very nice weekend. We are a little jealous!!

Kori's House said...

I am a huge fan of "getaways for couples"!
Looks like you had a great time!