Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It was a very ferocious rabbit!

This giant bunny was in our neighbour's yard when I took this photo. Yesterday I saw him in our front yard. These rabbits are HUGE compared to the little brown bunnies I occasionally saw in Abbotsford. They are all over town, and not very shy. I see them in parking lots, on the road, in people's yards, and at the schools -- pretty much everywhere. I think they're jack rabbits. When we first moved here in March they were almost pure white. Now they are turning grey. Kind of cool!

Saw a dead gopher on the road by our group mailbox yesterday, but thought you'd probably rather not see a picture of him! Some wildlife is better left unphotographed.

1 comment:


THOSE WASKALLY WABBITS!- we've seen them in northern Edmon-chuk too. Near the other Greek household. There is one big rabbit that is there every year. - Here, we have seen tons wild Quayle and Pheasant running across the roads. They seem pretty tame, until I try to get a picture of them, then they become camera shy and run off into the bushes.

(PS - major new house prepping right now, moving in 10 days!)