Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My Daughter the Artist

Janelle has always enjoyed art and has been pretty good at it, but this time she amazed everyone! In art class everyone was given a hunk of soap stone and had to choose from one of several items to carve it into. She chose to make a bear. She's been giving us progress reports on him all semester. Here, finally, is the finished product. We were very impressed! Apparently so was her art teacher. The teacher wanted to keep the bear to use as an example for future students, but Janelle wouldn't let her. Instead the teacher took a whole bunch of photos. Janelle made the bear to give to her best friend as a birthday present (so if the best friend's mother is reading this, don't say anything!).


Anonymous said...
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Kori's House said...


The Lang 6 said...

Good Job Janelle! It looks totally pro!

Eldon said...

If I could write in French I would. But English will have to do. Janelle is amazing. I'm really glad to be her uncle. Nice job!

Eldon and Amy Kelley said...

Great job, Janelle! We are really proud of you! And Rodrigo's comment is in Portuguese. He's telling you that you can make an image of your bear on a shirt - he's a silk screener. But he also liked the blog. :D Love you guys. Amy

Colleen said...

Good job Nellie!