Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What I Did On My Summer Vacation (A Composition in Six Parts)

Part 6: The Lang's Visit Us in Beaumont
We had to hurry home because the Lang's were coming to visit us! We arrived about 11:00 p.m. Wednesday, which gave me just a few hours to sort the mail & restock the fridge & get ready for the Lang's arrival at dinnertime the following day! Andy had to work part of the time that the Lang's were here, but Dan helped him chop up a trailer so Andy could have the afternoons off to continue our "vacation at home". We BBQ'd the first night they were here, then spent the following
day at West Edmonton Mall's waterpark. The following day Emma stayed with me while the Lang family & Janelle, my medical doctor wannabe child, went to visit the hospital where Josh Lang was born. Andy, Calvin, Emma & I then caught up with the others at the Alberta Legislature Building, where we waded in the public pools & had a picnic.

Here's Calvin with Ethan & Gabe, and Josh.
Love that picture of Calvin!
The two girls -- Janelle & Emma.
Our friends Jenn & Dan!
After one more visit to the mall (I stayed home & played with mine Emma), the Lang's packed up their RV & headed south.
And then vacation was over. Time to clean the house & go back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Guys, Thanks for an awesome part 2 of our vacation. Many memories were made, miss the Smalls already!!

Dan, Jenn and the 4 other ones!!