Monday, December 17, 2007

I was trying to take a photo of the kids in front of the Christmas tree, but Raymond the dog kept getting in the way. I just love how happy Calvin looks and how pretty Janelle is, so I thought I'd post the picture anyway, even with the big, black blob in the front!


The Lang 6 said...

Thats a great picture of Raymond...I miss the old hound...

Colleen said...

Raymond says, WOOF! I'm more important than the kids, aren't I?

Anonymous said...

Heyya this is Gabe, Yes Its cool seeing Calvin smile like the sill willy elf he is, and yes Janelle is ery pretty and Yes Raymond is a blob..But the coolest blob you evr did see..I miss you guys...Come see us...Now...:'(

Anonymous said...

Janelle looks gorgeous in that pciture! :)