Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mo's Awesome Weekend Part 2

Going to the Ladies' Retreat was only half of my awesome weekend. The other half was visiting with other family and friends.

One of the people I was most looking forward to seeing in Abbotsford was "mine Emma". Emma is my very special 2-year-old friend. She calls me "mine Aunty Mo" so I call her "mine Emma". I stayed at her Grandma's house, which is right next door to her house. The first morning I was there I was awakened by a little pig-tailed bundle of joy running down the hall and into my room. She jumped up on my bed and hugged me for a long time. Then she looked at her mom & grandma and said, "I found mine Aunty Mo!" Aahhh, I love waking up like that! That's "mine Emma" and her big brother, Ethan, in the photos. Ethan is 6 and he read to me from his new Bible. I was very impressed!

I visited my favourite Christian bookstore & coffee house, the House of James in Abbotsford, twice. I took Emma shopping at the mall for "pretties" (jewelry) & shoes -- and ice cream, just before dinner (Aunty's privilege). I had my traditional Monday morning breakfast with my sisters-in-law, followed by shopping. I dropped in to visit my friend Paula & played with my other little 2-year-old friend, her daughter Faith. I also got to play with her smiley, happy 3-month-old son, Silas, who was born two days before I moved (I got to see him in the hospital when he was less than 24 hours old). I'm sorry I didn't take pictures of Paula & her kids, my sisters-in-law, and my good friend Judi, whose house I stayed at. Judi was my boss for five years before I moved. That's a pretty good boss -- when I come back I stay at her house!

It was such a fulfilling, happy weekend, and it felt good to see people and places that are familiar and comfortable. I was pleased, however, to feel excited about coming back to Beaumont -- it actually felt like I was coming "home"!


Eldon said...

Cool sis. I'm glad you had a great time. You seem like a very busy person, but yet have your heart in the right place. Some day I can just hear your kids saying, "I know mom, it is a good thing that you are doing, but don't you think you should slow down?" Oh, know...I think it is contagious!!

Kori's House said...

That is so sweet!!
I am glad you have some great friends to come back to visit with!!

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you! Faith had such a fun time playing with you - after you left she kept asking for Mo (she hasn't quite mastered "aunite" yet) I'm sorry I never thought to take any pictures either... oh well maybe next visit! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Well personally, even though I love you, I'm glad you didn't take any pictures of us at breakfast. But then you know I hate getting my picture taken.

But I'm so glad we got to see you that I might almost maybe sort've willingly might've let you take one picture.

But, you didn't. Ha Ha

Love ya always,